Policy Matters: Protect Your Kids From Harmful "Conversion Therapy"
From PFLAG National:
Urge your U.S. Representative to cosponsor The Therapeutic Fraud Prevention Act (H.R. 2450)!
Rep. Ted Lieu of California introduced the first federal bill to ban so-called “conversion therapy” on May 20th. The bill, classifying for-profit conversion therapy as fraud under the Federal Trade Commision (FTC) Act without infringing on First Amendment rights or liberties, would ban commercial efforts to change people’s sexual orientation or gender identity and prohibit advertising that claims such efforts can be successful. The bill would not be restricted to people age 18 and under, but rather focus on the FTC’s protection against consumer fraud.
Please reach your Representative by clicking HERE and use this message:
“As your constituent and as a member of PFLAG, I urge you to cosponsor The Therapeutic Fraud Prevention Act (H.R. 2450), introduced by Rep. Ted Lieu (Ca-33), which would ban so-called conversion therapy, using the Federal Trade Commission’s definition of consumer fraud. America’s values are PFLAG’s values and that includes ensuring that practice follows science and notes that advertising efforts claiming to change someone’s sexual orientation or gender identity is fraud. Thank you if you are already a co-sponsor of this bill and please consider signing on if you have not yet.”
Note: Remember to specify your name, full address and to include your zip code.