PFLAG Austin

Austin LGBTQiA+ Free Support Group Meetings


The PFLAG Austin board meets on the second Sunday of the month from 1:00-3:00 pm, usually online.  All PFLAG Austin members in good standing can attend and observe.  Email for the meeting's information.

There are are no costs associated with being on the board, but each person is required to be a member in good standing. Board meetings are open to anyone with an interest in PFLAG, although visitors/non-board members are not allowed to lead the conversations or participate in voting.

We hope you join us at a board meeting soon!

PFLAG Austin Board of Directors


President: Joseph DePalma-Hinojosa
Vice President, Membership: Masha Leah Dinah
Vice President, Operations: Anna Nguyen
Co-Treasurer: Whit Lewis
Secretary: Julie Ziegelman
Director of Communications: Brandon Gutierrez
Director of Membership: VACANT
Advisor: Toya Lutz
Member-at-Large, Cedar Park Meeting: VACANT
Member-at-Large, South Meeting: VACANT
Member-at-Large, Float: VACANT