The PFLAG Austin board meets on the second Sunday of the month from 1:00-3:00 pm, usually online. All PFLAG Austin members in good standing can attend and observe. Email info@pflagaustin.org for the meeting's information.
There are are no costs associated with being on the board, but each person is required to be a member in good standing. Board meetings are open to anyone with an interest in PFLAG, although visitors/non-board members are not allowed to lead the conversations or participate in voting.
We hope you join us at a board meeting soon!
PFLAG Austin Board of Directors
President: Joseph DePalma-Hinojosa
Vice President, Membership: Masha Leah Dinah
Vice President, Operations: Anna Nguyen
Co-Treasurer: Whit Lewis
Secretary: Julie Ziegelman
Director of Communications: Brandon Gutierrez
Director of Membership: VACANT
Advisor: Toya Lutz
Member-at-Large, Cedar Park Meeting: VACANT
Member-at-Large, South Meeting: VACANT
Member-at-Large, Float: VACANT