PFLAG Austin

Austin LGBTQiA+ Free Support Group Meetings


Advocacy is a big part of the work that PFLAG members and supporters do, working to achieve LGBTQ equality through changing not only hearts and minds, but laws. We work at the community level, at the city and state level, and at the federal level to affect change so that people who are LGBTQ are safe from workplace discrimination, have the healthcare that they need, are safe in their homes and schools, and much, much more.

At the left and below is a list of many of the issues on which we advocate; simply click on a link and you will be taken to a page to learn more about the particular legislation addressing the subject matter, offering background information on the issues, why and how they impact our families, and what PFLAG is doing to address them from a policy perspective.


Spring 2015 Update:

PFLAG National has been working for years at the forefront of the movement for marriage equality. We are on the cusp of truly attaining the freedom to marry across the entire county, as the justices of the Supreme Court of the United States will once again take up the issue this spring.

PFLAG National has filed numerous briefs amici on behalf of all PFLAG members, sharing family voices to amplify our message: that PFLAG's values are America's values, love is love, family is family, and marriage is marriage. Through our legal arguments and these firsthand accounts by parents, grandparents, siblings, and couples and their children, we demonstrate that current marriage laws discriminate against people who are gay or lesbian by relegating their relationships to inferior status and repudiating the legal argument that same-sex couples joining in marriage pose risks for the institution of marriage and threaten children. (Additionally, we have filed briefs amici on the dangerous practice of so-called "reparative therapy").

Following is a list of the briefs we have participated in:

PFLAGers know that one voice can change the world, and often have the honor of witnessing that change one heart, one mind at a time. The power of these many voices woven together tell a compelling and beautiful story of love, family, affirmation, and equality for all that is not only changing lives; they are changing laws all over this country.

Want to get involved? You can help advocate for fairness and move equality forward. Take Action!


Advocacy Center