PFLAG Austin

Austin LGBTQiA+ Free Support Group Meetings

2nd Central Texas LGBTQiA+ Youth Leadership Summit coming to our city soon

Max Casero was the driving force behind the 1st LGBTQiA+ Student Leadership Summit on October 27th, 2018 and is in the initial planning stages for the next Summit on April 25th, 2020, at Sarah Lively Middle School.

We met for their interview at the Buzz Mill off of South Lake Shore Dr. I haven't been to that area of town in a loooong time, and it has changed since Oracle moved in. I brought my daughter Beatrix with me to the interview, so we all got drinks and sat down to chat.

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Friends and Family Letter

Dear Family and Friends,

It has taken me four years to write this letter. For a time, it seemed like the most difficult news to share, but now my family’s need to move forward supersedes any insecurity about how to articulate myself. For some of you, a straightforward, concise delivery will suffice, while others might desire more information. For the former, I will rip off the figurative Band-Aid, and you can stop reading whenever you’re ready. For the latter, I will elaborate by answering some questions you might ask.

So here we go . . .

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In The Spotlight: Ann & Jim Surles and Their PFLAG Journey

Ann and Jim’s journey with PFLAG began in 1986 when their 24-year old son revealed to them that he was gay. This was not a revelation for himself, and he went on to explain that he had known from a very young age that he was somehow “different”. Having been raised in a very conservative religious community, he felt he could not have come out before his family for fear that no one, even his family, could understand him and how his orientation would impact his family relationship…

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